

It's been almost three months, and I can honestly say I'm doing a lot better.

I've spoken with Danny a few times.. Tori and Matt tricked me into it. I get it though.. I did the same thing when they broke up. He apologized about what he said, how he said it, and the way that he approached the whole situation but the facts are what they are. I poured myself out to him and he metaphorically spat in my face.

Danny may or may not have felt the way that I did, but I never gave him the chance to tell me. I didn't want to hear it either way. There's a certain level of respect when it comes to being in a relationship with someone.. romantic or not.. that he failed to show me. I've come to terms with that though and I respect myself way too much to be put through that.

I don't want you guys to think that Danny is a monster though. He really isn't. Is he confused, immature and impulsive... absolutely. But he truly is one of the sweetest, caring and loving men I have ever met. Do I still love him? Yea. I think a part of me always will. I don't think it's possible to ever unlove someone.. you'll always have a piece of them with you.

It's been a struggle though. I should have expected it. Danny and Matt look so similar and from behind, they're identical. The first time I went over to Matt and Tori's place, post-breakup, I almost broke into a panic attack thinking Danny was out on the balcony. I froze. I lost all of the air in my lungs. I started to shake. I didn't know what was happening to me. Matt turned around, and I could feel the relief washing through my body. That's when I knew I needed help.

I thought about going to a shrink, but that just wasn't my style. I applaud people who do go though, I just can't sit still long enough without rambling.. I would probably confuse the poor doctor! Caroline (my work bestie) convinced me to go to join her gym. It's women only and they have endless classes available. The class I chose depends on my mood. Kickboxing and Yoga seem to be the two that I teeter between and I have to admit it's been helping a lot.

Sophia has been pushing for me to meet up with some guy she works with.. Mark I think his name is? I don't remember. Anyways.. I think it's way too soon for me to jump into another relationship, but I miss having a man around. There's things that your friends can help you with, but then there's things only a man can do...

Orgasms. I'm talking about Orgasms. (sometimes I forget that this is *somewhat* anonymous and I don't have to hide my sexuality)

Anyways, I know this post was super short but I really wanted to just end the whole Danny saga before getting back into my everyday life. This whole online diary thing is still so new to me, so I'm hoping I can start to really open up more to you guys!




*Hi guys! First of all, I want to thank you all for reading! I never expected so many people to be interested in my life.. it's kind of weird putting yourself out there. Also, thank you to everyone leaving comments. For some reason it won't let me respond to your comments, but I do see them! I'm also trying not to be too repetitive of what Tori posted, so let me know if I start to sound too much like her!!  This is THE post.. it took a lot out of me though.. so please be kind..*

Here's the thing. Me and Danny never fought. Ever. When Matt and Tori broke up, it made our relationship stronger. We both knew that they were meant for each other, and helping them figure it out brought me and Danny closer together. Seeing how broken they both were, made us work towards never allowing each other to ever experience that.

Our relationship was pretty chill too. We did almost everything together, which wasn't any different than before. Only now we didn't have to hide. Our chemistry was insane. He got all of my jokes, I got all of his. He knew my sarcasm, I knew his quirks. He knew my body better than I did, and I knew every little way to set him over the edge. We were one person, in two bodies.

Danny and Matt went on a family trip to Greece in April. They had some family things going on, and were going to be gone for a whole month. The night before they left, I told Danny that I loved him. I knew he wasn't ready for that but I knew what I felt, and I had to tell him. He was stunned, but didn't make a big deal of it. I could see it though.

The month went by painfully slow. Danny didn't call or text. And when Tori got that FaceTime call, I was both jealous and hurt. I know I probably freaked him out, but he didn't have to ice me out like that. Tori asked me to go with her to pick them up from the airport, and I almost said no. In the month we were apart, I started to think of my life without Danny.

When the boys came out of their exit in the airport, Matt ran and jumped on Tori, making her fall backwards. Danny was walking behind him. He smiled his killer smile when he saw me, and everything came rushing back. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me with intensity. I couldn't believe I considered not having him in my life.

The next few days were kind of blurry. We were so busy with our own lives, that we didn't actually spend any time alone until the next Tuesday. Danny came over and we ordered Chinese. We watched a movie, and then another one. But we still hadn't really "talked". I was starting to get agitated and he could tell..my leg starts to shake. He asked me what was wrong and I told him everything that was on my mind.

Danny sat still and quiet the entire time I spoke.I told him again that I loved him, and it was okay that he didn't feel the same way. I told him that him ignoring me for the entire time he was out of the country really hurt me. I told him that I needed to know he was going to be there for me. That's when he snapped.

I had never seen Danny get angry at anyone but Matt. Him yelling at me, scared me a little. He said that I tricked him into being in a relationship with me. That was what hurt me the most. He was the one that wanted to be in a relationship with me. I was just fine being friends. He's the one that pressured me.

I tried to make him see things from my perspective, but he completely shut me out, so I suggested that we take some time apart.

"Maybe we need some time apart to think about things."

"Ya. I agree." His voice was cold, bitter almost.

I wanted to cry. But I knew I couldn't cry in front of him. I wanted to yell back but I didn't. I got up, walked to my door and told him to leave. He seemed shocked. Did he seriously think I was going to allow him to sit there and yell at me?! He walked through the door with his head down and turned to say something but I slammed the door in his face.

I couldn't hold the tears anymore. They came pouring out of me and I fell to the floor. I NEVER cry. EVER. But this, this was different. I felt like a part of me had been ripped out. I found my phone through my blurry eyes, and called Tori. I didn't want to be alone tonight, and she was the only one that would understand what I was going through.

She rushed over right away, and I poured myself out to her. I told her what had happened.. well tried to anyways.. I was crying harder, angry at myself for crying at all. She spooned me, and I fell asleep in her arms.

When I woke up the next day, Tor wasn't in my bed and I thought I had dreamed it all. One look in the mirror though, I knew I didn't. I had sixteen missed calls from Danny, eight calls from Matt and I don't even remember how many texts. I didn't want to see or hear anything, so I deleted them all. Nothing Danny had to say was going to make this better.




In the beginning, it was just sex.

Danny and I mutually decided it was best to keep it that way for now. Danny didn't want to be in a serious committed relationship, and truthfully, neither did I. I knew I was playing with fire though. Danny is Matt's brother, and those two are pretty much attached at the hip. So since I was always with Tori... I was guaranteed to see him way more than I needed to. Seeing him interact with his brother, and how he sweet he was to Tori melted my heart. He genuinely was such a sweetheart. I knew I was starting to have feelings for him, but I pushed them aside.

We were eventually spending every free minute together. Danny would come and pick me up before meeting up with Matt and Tori. He would come over and help me prep things if everyone was coming to my house. He paid a lot more attention to me than any of my exes ever did, and he was just a friend that I banged occasionally all the time.

In the beginning, Tori was so sketched out by the idea of us being together. She harassed us individually, and then together. I get where she was coming from though. She's been through so much and I know she would kill Danny if he even tried any of that shit with me. When she finally decided that she approved, it made us both think differently about what we were doing. Did we feel the same way about each other.. did we want to be in a fully committed relationship.. the answers to all of those questions was yes.

The first time Danny called me his girlfriend, I punched him. We were at the liquor store, stocking up for the weekend festivities. The cashier was flirting so hard with Danny. He gets both female and male attention everywhere we go...went... anyways she was clearly infatuated with him. She was talking up a storm about her weekend plans, and asked Danny what his were... completely ignoring my existence.

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side. "My girlfriend and I are having some friends over to our cottage. A nice relaxing booze filled weekend." He looked down at me, winked and kissed my forehead. I was stunned by the comment so I just smiled awkwardly.

Until this point, I'm pretty sure she thought I was his little sister. The poor girl turned so red as she started packing the bags quickly, and rushed us out of the store. When we got outside, Danny started laughing uncontrollably, and I punched him in the arm. He's double my size though, so he didn't even flinch.

"You're an ass." I said, starting to laugh.

"Oh shut up. You loved seeing that look on her face."

I didn't respond, I was too busy loading the bottles into Danny's truck. We were on the road before either one of us spoke again.

"It's not like it's such a horrible thing to be my girlfriend."

I chose my words wisely. "I'm sure it isn't."

"So.. like.. what do you think?"

"About what?"

"Being my girlfriend?"

I immediately felt my face heat up. We had only ever discussed this once before, and we were extremely intoxicated.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"Oh." He was so deflated.

"It's not that I wouldn't love it.. I just think we have such a good thing going right now."


"I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship either. We've become so close."

"Also true."

"What if things didn't work out.. who get's Matt and Tori in the divorce?" I tried to lighten the mood.

Danny cracked a smile and reached his hand over the console. I put my hand in his and he spoke again. "You can't think about what ifs. You have to be willing to take the plunge. If it's something you're willing to explore than why not try it out. You already know how I feel about you Jenn, I think you're the most beautiful person inside and out. You're smart, kind, sweeter than shit. We know each other better than anyone else."

He paused, and I just looked at him. I knew I wanted to say yes, but in that moment I just wanted to kiss him. So I did.

"Plus, Matt and Tori would be mine. I have a blood relation. Although, she did threaten to kill me if I ever hurt you.."

I couldn't contain my laughter. Picturing Tori trying to attack this huge man was the funniest thing. I did appreciate her looking out though. "Yea, she's a tough cookie. You better watch yourself."



"Are we gonna do this?"

I nodded and kissed him again.




I never sleep with someone on a first date. It's just a rule that I've set for myself from forever ago, and I refuse to ever change my morals. I can remember being in high school and both Tori and Sophia were experimenting with boys, and teasing them to no end. They always made fun of me for being a "prude" but I had other things to worry about.

I wanted to be a teacher more than anything, and I knew I needed to work hard to keep my grades up, so that I could get accepted to the university of my choice. I've never been that good in school. In fact, I hated it. Things came so easy for Tori and Sophia, they never studied, but were straight A students. I could study for hours, and barely reach a B+. They were also so much more comfortable in their own skin than I was, too. They've both been so beautiful since we were children.. like strikingly beautiful.. and I was always the awkward lanky friend that didn't grow boobs until I was almost 20.

Don't get me wrong, I never envied them. We just had different priorities, and I was more than okay with that. University changed me though. My curves decided to make an appearance, (I blame the endless amount of beer and nachos that I consumed.) and boys started to notice me. I wasn't the awkward friend that always tagged along anymore, I was finally my own person.

I started dating this guys named Rob around the time of my 19th birthday. He was tall, athletic, blonde haired, blue eyed. Perfection beyond perfection. I had no idea what he saw in me, but Sophia and Tori were always there reminding me that I deserved way more than I gave myself credit for. I lost my virginity to him, in more ways than one. Tori was so happy that she cold finally talk about my sex life. Her's never seemed to dull- that girl is a FREAK. But we finally had something in common.

I dated guys on and off for the last few years, but there wasn't anyone I was serious about. Then  I met Danny.

It was Canada Day weekend. I had agreed to go up to the cottage with Tori and Matt. This was the first time she was meeting his friends, so she was super nervous. I walked in beside her, and we were greeted by two gigantic men. I though Matt was huge, but these two almost had him beat. They gravitated towards her right away though, everyone does. They started picking on Matt and then Tori, and didn't even give me the time of day so I announced myself as sarcastically as I could. When Danny looked my way, we locked eyes and I felt something inside me that I'd never felt before.

Danny walked over and introduced himself as Matt's younger brother. He gave me a hug which I thought was strange for a first meeting, but these guys were clearly non traditional. Evan followed behind him, introducing himself as Matt and Danny's best friend since childhood. Danny offered to help me carry my bags to my room, picking them up and linking arms with me as he showed me around the house.

Their "cottage" was more like a mansion on the lake. There was an endless amount of rooms, each one decorated to a different theme. He had a story for why every room looked the way it did and had me laughing so easily. We eventually stopped on the opposite end of the house as everyone else. Danny showed me his room, and put my bags down in the room next to his. He told me how he got a better sleep when he wasn't listening to Evan's snoring and Matt and Tori's sexual escapades, and I had to agree.

As I got settled into my bedroom, Danny sat on the bed talking my ear off. I'm the kind of person that has to unpack as soon as I get somewhere. I can not live out of a suitcase- it drives me mental. I was only half paying attention to what Danny was saying, but I froze when I heard him say how beautiful he thought I was.

I turned to face him, and he was staring directly at me. I hadn't known this man for longer than an hour, and he had managed to make me feel things I'd never felt.

"What did you say?" I asked him.

"You're one of the most interesting girls I've ever met. I can tell you don't even know how beautiful you are."

My face turned red, and I quickly turned around so he wouldn't see.

"Are you blushing?"


He came up behind me and spun me around. "Ya, you are!"

That only made me blush harder. "Stop."

"Ha ha. I made you blush."

"You did not. Shut up." I picked up the closest pillow and threw it at his head.

He froze. "Woah. Now you've started a war." He picked me up and threw me on to the bed, tickling me to the point that I was gasping fort air... I'm extremely ticklish.

Danny was on top of me at this point, holding down my arms, neither one of us moving. We were still for what felt like forever before he lowered his head and kissed me. I wish I could say that I pushed him away and stormed out, but I didn't. I kissed him back.

It wasn't long before we were a naked, tangled mess. (Tor's words, not mine.) I didn't know what came over me. I had never been that type of girl. We heard glass shatter, and we both snapped out of the trance we were in. Less than 30 seconds later- Tori, Matt and Evan appeared in the doorway. I wanted to die inside.

I avoided everyone for the rest of the night, and no one spoke of that incident for the rest of the weekend. When we were ready to head home, Danny offered to give me a ride, and before my brain could kick in... my mouth accepted. We spent the entire car ride talking about everything and anything. We just understood each other.

I had fallen asleep by the time we pulled up to my house. Danny gently rubbed the side of my face, and I moaned as I opened my eyes. He flashed me that smile of his, and I knew this wasn't going to be the last of him.




I guess I'm doing this... I can't believe Tor talked me into writing a blog. I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to write about. I guess it will come naturally?

I should probably introduce myself for those of you that don't already know me... My name is Jennifer, but everyone calls me Jenn or Jenny. I'm 27 years old, and I live just outside of  Toronto. I'm a full time grade four teacher and I LOVE my job. I'm also Tori from Vodka Made Me Do It's BFF... well one of them anyways. I have shoulder length blondish hair and green eyes.

I'm the youngest of three girls. Melissa is 32 and married to Logan. They have two adorable little blonde babies, Martina and Melanie, and one on the way!! Daniella is 34 and married to Christopher. They have three fur babies, and I think that's all they can handle.

Me on the other hand... I'm single. I know most of you want to know all about what happened between Danny and me... and I promise I'll get there eventually. Thank you all for your support on Tor's blog though. As much as I wanted to kill her for writing about it, I do think it helped me see things from another perspective.

As for my friends, you all probably know Victoria (aka Tor, Tori, whatever slips out). If you don't know her, click the link to her blog up there ^.. she's funny sometimes. She's dating Matt. He's honestly one of my favorite people on earth. Sometimes I love him more than Tori. Sophia is another one of our besties. She's newly married, to Paul with a baby on the way! Chloe is more of Tori and Sophia's friend than mine, but I put up with her when I have to. She hasn't really been around much lately, but we still keep in touch. Caroline is one of my really close work friends. We've been at the same school for a few years now. We're the only two teacher under the age of 40, so we naturally gravitated towards each other.

That's all I can think of for now.. so I'll keep this post short and sweet.
